Title: Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood
Episodes: 64
Status: Finished Airing
Genre: Action, Magic, Military, Shounen, and Drama
Main Characters: Edward Erlic, Alphonse Erlic, Winry, Greed, Homunculus, etc.
Overall Ratings: 10/10
Links: You Can Watch It Here Or Here
In this world there exist Alchemists, people who perform the art of alchemical transmutation ( in other words they do magic by drawing circle designs. I don't think circle designs are the right words for it though...Moving on.) - to manipulate objects and transform one object into another. They are bounded by the basic law of alchemy.... " In order to gain something you have to sacrifice something of the same value.
The main character is a famous alchemist , Edward Elric. Also known as " The Fullmetal Alchemist ". Who also lost his little brother, Alphonse, in an alchemical accident after trying to bring their mom back to life. Edward escaped the accident but his brother didn't, but then Edward managed to attach his brothers soul to a large suit of armor. ( So he put his brothers soul in the armor. This is why the call him The Fullmetal Alchemist. ( Pretty smart guy. He was like 10 when this happened.)
To get back what they lost, the brothers start a journey to find the Philosopher's Stone that is said to amplify the powers of an alchemist big time....
The Girls name is Winry |