Saturday, February 11, 2012

Yamato Nadeshiko Shichi Henge

Title: Yamato Nadeshiko Shichi    Henge or Wallflower

Status: Finished Airing

Episodes: 25

Main Characters: Kyokei, Ranmaru, Sunako, Takenaga, Etc.

Overall Rating: 7/10

Links:  Watch Here    Or Here


 Kyohei, Takenaga, Toyama, and Ranmaru are going to rent a house to go to school for free on the condition that they have to make the girl of the girl a "lady". They think of it as a easy task since they're the most popular guys in the school and are good at handling with girls. ( According to them at least.) However Nakahara Sunako isn't just a normal girl. She is gloomy, weird, and is a huge fan of horror movies. She watches them over and over. And most of this is because when she confessed to the guys she liked he said he doesn't like ugly girls. This hit her really hard, since she liked that guy for years. Ever since she stopped caring about how she looked, and now she hates beautiful things and gets nosebleeds when she sees someone that is pretty. The four guys now have to try to make her a lady, in order to keep their house and school.

Lovely Complex

Title: Lovely Complex

Status: Finished Airing

Episodes: 24

Genre: Romance, Drama , SUPER good comedy

Main Characters: Risa, Ootani, Mayu, etc.

Links: You Can Watch Here  Or Here


Risa and Otani are always laughed at as the perfect comedy duo. Even the teachers call them The All Hanshin-Kyojin. ( I think Hanshin- Kyojin was a popular comedy duo. I don't know if it's real though or it's just anime made...) I forgot to mention that Risa is around 170cm tall ( like a model ) while Otani is one of the shortest guys in the school. ( He's around 150-160cm. ) They're always talking the same things at the same time, and love the same things but they always argue. *sigh*. Meanwhile all this is happening, Risa starts to like Otani. 

This is definitely one of the funniest anime series I've ever watched, also it has touching moments that make you cry, and sometimes makes you wanna pull your hair out... 

If you're a fan of romance or comedy you should seriously watch this!  


Friday, February 10, 2012

Death Note

Title: Death Note

Episodes: 37

Status: Finished Airing

Genre: Action, Supernatural, Mystery, Drama, etc.

Main Characters:  Light, Misa, Ryuk, N, and L

Overall Rating: 9/10

Links: You Can Watch Here  Or Here


Yagami Light is a 17 year old genius from Japan who is tired of his life, school, and the state of the world as he knows it. ( Isn't every guy of his age like this?) One day, on the way home from class Light finds a notebook with "Death Note" written on the front. Surprised, he reads the first few sentences, only to find out that it states that anyone whose name is written inside it dies within something seconds. He first thinks that it is a joke ( anyone would, you can't deny that.) So he continues living normally. 

Until his curiosity slips and he finally tries it, discovering the truth behind the book....... *Gasp*. Anyway so the book " Death Note " really works and his boring life turns awesome... 
( According to him writing names of criminals and waiting for them to die is fun. That's what he does like everyday after school.) So then the police catch up on what's really happening. So they call a great detective. ( isn't his real his real name, you can stop worrying about his parents.) So now he is being chased by the police and the greatest detective in history. 

I made it sound like a kinda bad anime but it's really awesome! You should really watch this if you like mystery, action, or supernatural.


Persona 4

Title: Persona 4

Status: Still Airing

Episodes: Unknown

Genre: Action, Supernatural, Romance and Mystery

Main Characters: Kuma, Yukiko, Yosuke, Rise, Yuu, Naoto, Kanji, Chie, etc.

Overall Rating: 7/10

Links: Watch here    Or here


Persona 4 takes place in a rural town name Inaba. There have been mysterious murderers occurring whenever there is fog after heavy rain. (What's up with bad things always happening on rainy days?) There were also rumors about a channel on television airing on these kind of days, at midnight called Mayonaka TV, during which it is said that one can see his/her "other half" when staring at the TV screen. 

After hearing about a recent unsolved murder which  happened during the fog, Yuu, Chie, and Yosuke discuss how each of them had attempted to watch the mysterious TV channel and witnesses the murder victim. The protagonist later realize that while midnight channel is going on they can phase into the TV and into another world infested with shadows.

After they go in the TV they gain powers called Personas. Everyone has one Persona except Yuu who has multi ones. (Yuu is the guy smirking on the right.) 

I didn't really write this one very well and the rating isn't as high as the others but that's because this is a still airing anime.

Guilty Crown

Title: Guilty Crown

Status: Still Airing

Episodes: 22 

Genres: Action, Supernatural, Romance

Main Characters: Ouma Shu, Ouma Mana, Inori, Ayase, Gai, etc.

Overall Rating: 9/10 (Ranked #395 by

Links:  Watch Here   Or Here


The story takes place in Tokyo in 2039. After the outbreak of the unidentified virus " Lost Christmas" in 2029, Japan has been under control of a multinational organization called GHQ. Ouma Shu, a 17 year old boy who has a psychic power in his right hand. ( Though he doesn't know this yet). The power he has is called " The Ability of King". Its power is to extract weapons called Void from inside people.  For example if someone wants to help people that are hurt, ( wants to be a doctor or such,) their Void can heal people. Another example is if someone wants to fight or is strong they would probably have a Void like a gun. He finally finds out about his powers when he meets a girl names Yuzuriha Inori, who us a member of a resistance guerrilla group called " Funeral Parlor" ( sometimes known as Undertakers.) The members of the group pilot mecha weapons ( like big robots controlled by someone inside of them or just guns, in other words futuristic weapons) to fight against the government.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood

Title: Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood

Episodes: 64 

Status: Finished Airing

Genre: Action, Magic, Military, Shounen, and Drama

Main Characters: Edward Erlic, Alphonse Erlic, Winry, Greed, Homunculus, etc.

Overall Ratings: 10/10

Links: You Can Watch It Here  Or Here


In this world there exist Alchemists, people who perform the art of alchemical transmutation ( in other words they do magic by drawing circle designs. I don't think circle designs are the right words for it though...Moving on.) - to manipulate objects and transform one object into another. They are bounded by the basic law of alchemy.... " In order to gain something you have to sacrifice something of the same value.

The main character is a famous alchemist , Edward Elric. Also known as " The Fullmetal Alchemist ". Who also lost his little brother, Alphonse, in an alchemical accident after trying to bring their mom back to life. Edward escaped the accident but his brother didn't, but then Edward managed to attach his brothers soul to a large suit of armor. ( So he put his brothers soul in the armor. This is why the call him The Fullmetal Alchemist. ( Pretty smart guy. He was like 10 when this happened.)

To get back what they lost, the brothers start a journey to find the Philosopher's Stone that is said to amplify the powers of an alchemist big time.... 

The Girls name is Winry

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Darker Than Black

Title: Darker Than Black

Season 1: 25 Episodes
Season 2: 12 Episodes

Status: Finished Airing

Genre: Supernatural, Action, Mystery

Main Characters: Hei, Yin Mao, Huang, Amber, Kirihara Misaki, Jul, November 11, April, Havo, etc.

Overall Rating: 9.5/10

Links: Watch Here  Here  or Watch it Here


In Tokyo, an impenetrable field known as " Hell's Gate" appeared ten years ago. At the same time people with paranormal powers appeared too. They are called contractors and dolls. 

Dolls act as if they don't have emotions and they have powers to see what they want to see through an object like water. ( So if they touch water, they can see what's happening somewhere else if  there is water around the place they want to see. Does that make sense? Carrying on...) 

Contractors are said to have no feelings because they are "killers". *Rolls eyes* yeah right! Contractors always have different powers, like one might be invisible while the other one might be a shapeshifter. The main story is based on two contractors, a doll, and a human. Mostly a contractor named Hei who is in both of the pictures below. He's better looking in the anime though... 

The 2 contractors ( including Hei ), the doll, and the human, kill other contractors that are killing randomly. ( They're like bad/good police.) Really good anime...

This is Hei
This is Hei